Post Session Self Care

  • Drink Plenty of Water

    When we engage in spiritual practises, we move lots of energy. The body has been relieved of toxins, this can bring on unpleasant symptoms such as headaches, nausea, aches, fatigue or emotional exhaustion. This can be a great indicator of the work you did took effect, how ver to full flush out the toxins, water is the best & most simplest way to replenish the body as it regulates itself. Avoid caffeinated drinks, alcohol, soda, allow the body to relax with a glass of water.

  • Eat Light Nourishing Foods

    As the body regulates, it’s best to eat light nourishing foods such as fruits & vegetables. Light nourishing meals provide the fuel the body needs to recover, without overloading the digestive system. You will feel more energized and able to continue your regular activities by doing so.

  • Rest

    Whether it be taking a nap or just laying on the couch, do it! You’ve just completed heavy duty energy work & the best way to recover is rest.

    Your mind, body & soul will thank you for it.

  • Get back into Nature

    Perhaps going for a light walk, sitting by body of water or even just looking up at the sky.

    Allow yourself some peace & clarity through grounding yourself into the earth. We are constantly on the go we forget to pause & enjoy the natural beauty of this world. Much wisdom can be gained by connecting to our primal self - allow Mother Earth to embrace you.

  • Pleasure & Joy

    Read a book, dance, sing, listen to your favourite songs, draw, paint, cook something, take a nice bath, watch that movie, light some candles, go see your loved ones.

    Do something that prioritizes pleasure & joy.

    These activities fill your cup, so you can feel emotionally replenished & ready to take action moving forward.

  • Clean Your Space

    This doesn’t mean clean the whole house, but perhaps take out the garbage, or wash a few dishes. You will feel accomplished & a cleaner space allows for good energy to flow through.